How to say in Italian? Common Questions to Get you Started in Italian.
Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and the Italian language is wonderfully expressive and pleasing to the ear. If you plan a trip to Italy, don’t miss out on the opportunity to acquire some language skills. Knowing a few words will greatly enhance your Italy experience.
How to say in Italian ?
English | Italiano |
hello in italian | Ciao, Salve |
thank you in italian | Grazie |
holiday in italian | Vacanza |
happy birthday in italian | Buon Compleanno |
I love you in italian | Ti amo |
earthquake in italian | Terremoto |
yes in italian | Sì |
good morning in italian | Buongiorno |
goodbye in italian | Arrivederci |
goodnight in italian | Buonanotte |
good evening | Buonasera |
I am happy
Sono felice |
You are kind | Sei gentile |
how are you in italian | Come stai? Come va? |
beautiful in italian | Bellissimo |
please in italian | Prego, Per favore |
beauty in italian | Bellezza |
Who are you? |
Chi sei?
Where do you come from? | Da dove vieni? |
What are you doing here? | Cosa fai qui? |
that’s enough!; all right already! | basta! |
Già |
Spesso |
Ancora |
Sempre |
Perché |
maybe, perhaps
Forse |
also | Anche |
there is
c’è |
there are | ci sono |
to love
to excuse
to hope |
to have
avere |
to make, to do | fare |
to say | dire |
to see | vedere |
How much is it? | Quanto costa? |
Can I ask you a question? | Posso farle una domanda? |
Where are we? | Dove siamo? |
how? | quanto |
what? | che cosa? |
who? | chi? |
why? | perché? |
where? | dove? |
numbers in italian | numeri |
where is he? | dove si trova? |
what is this? | che cosa è questo? |
why are you sad? | perché sei triste? |
how do you want to pay? | Come vuoi pagare? |
can I come? | posso venire? |
is he sleeping? | (lui) sta dormendo? |
do you know me? | mi conosci? |
do you have my book? | Avete il mio libro? |
how big is it? | quanto è grande? |
can I help you? | posso aiutarti? |
can you help me? | puoi aiutarmi? |
do you speak English? | parlate inglese? |
how far is this? | quanto è lontano/distante? |
what time is it? | Che ora è? |
how much is this? | quanto costa? |
what is your name? | Come ti chiami? |
where do you live? | dove vivi? |