Home » Italian Cliches – Curiosity about Italian people

Italian Cliches – Curiosity about Italian people

by Italy2Love.com
italian cliches

What does it mean to be Italian?

Which features define the identity of a population abroad? Stereotype, fallacies, simple and clear elements that give you a pictures about a whole population.

italian cliches

In the world Italy is usually described with a few words: food, fashion, charm.

All these elements  are absolutely right and correct, but there is so much more!

In italy cooking and eating good food is like an art, it’ is part of our DNA, it’s a need that marries our desire of fascinate,seduce and enjoy flavors and fragrances that our country offers every season of the year.

So , we can almost say that the “art” of cooking and eating in the italian way  can be a positive cliché of  being Italian.

A beautiful sunset in Naples can give you an image of a nice Margherita Pizza with a buffalo mozzarella on top.

A night spent with an Italian Latin Lover brings to your mind spicy memories and dreams with taste of fruity wines and honey. Each Region may be visited  with your eyes and your taste buds.


Unfortunately we maintained part of negative clichés expressed through unmistakable words that people associate to Italy. Corruption  in Italian we say “Magna Magna” that we can literally translate as “Eat Eat” , that means “eat” public money, the money of the population.

But we can say that if there is something that can define Italy and the “Italian being” we like to think more about flavours, no matter if they are sweet, bitter, sour, salty, sweetened or spicy. Italy is defined by the unique  ITALIAN TASTE that embraces every single aspect of a real Italian citizen.


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